How to Build Your Own Instagram Scraper in Python?

   By: Marketer Rakib
Updated May 14, 2023

Key Takeaways

  • Instagram is like a hutch of valuable information. Collecting this data is crucial for marketers, business owners, and researchers. Due to Instagram's policy, it is hard to scrape the data.

  • So many tools are available in the market that help to scrape data from Instagram. One such powerful tool is Python. It allows users to build an Instagram Scraper just by following some steps.

  • First, users need to download the official version of Python. Then, install a library and create a new project. In the project directory, users need to set up a file. Like this, they must follow other steps like importing libraries, setting up a web driver, navigating to the sign-in page, and entering username and password.

  • Lastly, they can scrape data using the Requests library and BeautifulSoup. Users can store the data in a CSV file, database, or other preferred storage. Finally, they can run the scraper to collect data.

  • Though scraping data frequently from Instagram is against the terms of Instagram, being mindful of the limitations, users can quickly build a scraper in Python.

Are you interested in scraping data from Instagram? Do you want to build your own Instagram scraper in Python? Here is the article you need if you answered yes. 

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of building your Instagram scraper in Python.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Instagram Scrapers in Python

To build your own Instagram scraper in Python, follow these steps:

1. Install Python

Instagram Python
If you do not already have Python installed on your computer, install it now. Python's official website has the latest version available for download.

2. Install Python libraries:

Install Python libraries

You'll need to install the following Python libraries: Requests, BeautifulSoup4, and Selenium. To do this, you can use pip, which comes pre-installed with Python.

3. Set up a new project:

Set up a new project

Please create a new project in your coding environment and name it something relevant to your project.

4. Create a new Python file:

Create a new Python file

Once your project is set up, create a new Python file in the project directory.

5. Import the necessary libraries:

Import the necessary libraries

At the top of your Python file, import the necessary libraries by adding the following code:


import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from selenium import web driver


6. Set up a WebDriver:

Set up a WebDriver

Instagram requires you to sign in to access its data, which can only be done using a web browser. You can use ChromeDriver as your WebDriver and download it from the official website of Selenium.

7. Navigate to the sign-in page:

Navigate to the sign-in page

Using the created WebDriver, navigate to Instagram's sign-in page.

8. Enter login credentials:

Enter login credentials

Enter your Instagram username and password to access the data you need.

9. Scrape data:

Scrape data

Use the Requests library and BeautifulSoup to scrape the data you need. Here is an example:


response = requests.get('')

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')


10. Store data:

Store data

Once you have scraped the data, you can store it in a CSV file, database, or any other storage mechanism you prefer.

11. Run your scraper:

Run your scraper

Run your Instagram scraper to collect data. Following these steps, you can build your Instagram scraper in Python to collect the necessary data.

Ending Thoughts

Building your own Instagram scraper in Python can be useful for businesses and marketers who want to extract data from Instagram.

However, it is essential to note that Instagram's terms of service prohibit web scraping, and scraping too frequently or using automated scripts can result in account bans or legal action.

Following the steps outlined in this guide and being mindful of the limitations and risks involved, you can successfully build your Instagram scraper in Python and extract valuable data from the platform.

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{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

Marketer Rakib is a full-time Blogger and Affiliate Marketer. Follow Rakib to learn how to scale up your online business for more Make Money. Before starting this blog, Rakib managed world's top digital marketing agencies. Now, He has been helping people to make money online through affiliate marketing.  

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